2025 Karaoke Contest

Updated information on 2025 Karaoke will be posted as soon as details are finalized.

Saturday, Sept. 20, 2025

Sign-Ups: 11:00 am -11:45 am CST

Location: BESIDE THE BANDSTAND in Bank of Clarkson parking lot 

Entry Fee: $15.00

Contest begins at 12:00 Noon, CST

We will have limited seating.  Bring your lawn chairs to be assured of a good seat.

Click on the link below to view and print 2024 Karaoke Rules

2024 Karaoke Rules and regulations

Updated information on 2025 Karaoke will be posted as soon as details are finalized.

2024 Official Rules and Regulations—– 
1. Professional performers are not allowed in this contest.  Anyone who has professionally recorded or performed will be considered a professional.
2. Song selections must come from the on-site karaoke DJ music library only.  Contestants will not be allowed to use their own karaoke tapes or discs.
3. Registration is $15.00 and will be held from 11:00-11:45 am, Central Time, limited to the first 40 contestants.   Register in front of Old City Hall (beside bandstand)
4. No Refunds of entry fee will be given.
Contestants will be allowed to draw for their position in the contest.
5. Contestants will be judged based upon a point system with a maximum of 25 points per category in the following categories:
  • Singing Ability
  • Showmanship
  • Creativity
  • Crowd Appeal
6. Score sheets and scoring information will not be released to the contestants or the general public.
7. Recordings of the contest will not be provided.
8. The contest will begin at 12:00 Noon, Central Time.  You must be ready to walk on-stage when your contestant number is called, or you will be skipped and eliminated from the competition.
9. The pre-staging area is located beside the stage.
10. Contestants who are disrespectful to the audience, other contestants, the DJ, or the sound equipment will be disqualified.
11. Contestants that have won two consecutive years must skip a year before entering the contest again.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place winners will be named at the end of the contest.  Prizes are respectively: $200, $100., $50. and $25.00.
  • If you have questions, please call Julie Bessinger 270-287-2837
Please Note: The Clarkskon Honeyfest Committee reserves the right to change this information at any time without prior notice.
