2025 Parade Rules and Regulations will be posted as soon as they are finalized.
School Floats
Most Original Bee Theme
Best Bee Theme
Best Decorated Pet and Owner
Best Church Entry
Best Decorated Vehicle
Best Fall Theme
Best Business Float
Antique Car or Truck – Best Condition
Antique Car or Truck – Judges’ Choice
Antique Tractor – Judges’ Choice
Oldest Antique Tractor –
Best Horse-Drawn Vehicle –
Click below to view highlights from 2022 Honeyfest Parade.
2022 Parade collage
Saturday, September 20, 2025.
- Parade line up begins at Midway Plaza in Clarkson.
- Judging begins at 8 am; Parade begins at 9 am.
- Clarkson, Ky is in the Central Time Zone.
- Due to the size of the parade the Honeyfest Committee and Parade Staff reserves the right to refuse any parade entry or entrant deemed unsuitable.
- Floats must be lined up at the Midway Plaza parking lot by 7:30 am
- If your group or club will be having multiple floats or entries, and you wish to travel the parade route in sequence, it is important that you arrive together. Arriving at staggered times will force separation of the individual units.
- Judging will begin at 8:00 am
NO Four Wheelers
- NO Horses unless they are pulling a carriage or wagon (we love horses but because of the liability and safety issues, we must refuse horse and rider)
NO Semi-Trucks
Trucks must be decorated or pulling a float.
- No Monster Trucks
No lawn mowers unless pulling a float.
- No vulgar language or music. Let’s keep it clean, folks!
Crowd-friendly horses ONLY.
Committee will request owners of unruly horses not to participate.
Bicycles must be decorated, and rider must wear a helmet.
For safety, all floats must have a responsible person with valid driver’s license and insurance, driving and one person walking on each side of the float.
Entries, please keep the parade flowing. Please do not pause along the route to chat or visit.
In the interest of safety, the Honeyfest Committee asks that each float/parade entry consider only allowing responsible adults walking beside the float to throw candy.
- We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone, for any reason, at any time during line-up, route or event. Clarkson Honeyfest Committee
Most Original Bee Theme
Best Bee Theme
Best Fall Theme
Best decorated Pet and Owner
Most Creative Entry
Best Church Entry
Best Business Float
Best Horse-drawn Vehicle
Best Decorated Vehicle
Antique Car or Truck- Best Condition
Antique Car or Truck- Judges’ Choice
Antique Tractor- Best Restored
Antique Tractor- Judges’ Choice
Best Decorated Horse and Rider
Mayor’s Choice
Honeyfest Committee Grand Champion
Neither City of Clarkson nor Clarkson Honeyfest is responsible for accidents.
Click below to view images of past parades:
- 2017-Honeyfest-Parade-1
2019 Honeyfest Memories
- Parade Proud
- Parade Proud 2
For everyone’s safety, onlookers along the parade route are asked to stay off the highway while the parade is in progress. Please watch young children at all times
For parade information, please contact Tana Dickerson 270-230-3261 (only after 3:30 pm)